Press and Media
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A selection of our press and media coverage:
Iceland Monitor: From “Free Willy” to responsible whale watching: How whale industry in Iceland has changed
Morgunblaðið: Háhyrningur ættleiddi grindhvalskálf
Global News: Orca adopts other whale species calf
Iceland Review: Almost one thousand orcas identified in Icelandic waters
Fiskifréttir: Kennsl borin á um þúsund háhyrninga
Morgunblaðið: 987 háhyrningar við strendur Íslands
Morgunblaðið: Íslenskir háhyrningar synda víða um höf
Cetacean Sessions: Orcas – how far can they go and why?
RÚV – Landinn: Geta greint í sundur mörg hundruð háhyrninga
Close to Home: Ep. 2: How can we identify one killer whale from another?
Baleines en direct: La migration record d’un épaulard confirmée grâce à la photo-identification
National Geographic Россия: Косатка проплыла 8 000 километров из Исландии в Ливан – это рекорд
Iceland Review: Orca Completes 8,000km Swim from Iceland to Lebanon
Corriere della Sera: Le orche di Genova? Arrivano dall’Islanda: hanno nuotato 5mila km
Artescienza: Match Killer Whales Iceland – Italy
Sustainababble: #160: Orcas
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Jeder Wal ist anders. Wal-Forschung in Island
BBC Earth Unplugged: Why Misunderstanding Killer Whales is Threatening their Survival
Photo Number 6 (Season 1, Episode 1): Iceland
Atlas Obscura: Paging Through the World’s Handy, Adorable Orca Catalogs. A who’s who for the orca set
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Leipzigerin lebt auf Island ihren Traum von der Arbeit mit Walen
MDR Sputnik: Diese Leipzigerin schützt Orca-Wale vor Island
Shetland News: Name an orca calf
The Reykjavík Grapevine: Icelandic Non-Profit Seeks to Protect Orcas
The Press and Journal: The public has decided… Young killer whale to be named Tide
Evening Times: Glasgow pupils give new name to baby orca
The Guardian: Iceland: whale watching in winter