To protect our Icelandic orca population we need your help! All the work you can read about on our website is voluntarily done by people next to their main jobs. But we cannot keep up this work without any funding for project expenses. Make a small donation of € 30 to our cause, and we will send you an adoption package of your choice as a thank you gift! Our adoptions are eco-friendly: We do not ship stuffed orca toys around the globe – we send your package via e-mail! You can also get an adoption package as a present for someone else. Packages are sent within three business days. You can choose between adopting a matriarch (female), male, or juvenile (gender unknown) – or you can adopt several! ADOPT NOW
What’s included?
- CERTIFICATE – a personalized adoption certificate
- PROFILE of your adopted orca – including images and information on physical appearance, relatives, sightings, behavior and special encounters
- ORCA BASICS – general introduction to orcas and specifics to the Icelandic orca population
- ORCA GUARDIANS NEWS – a compilation of our most exciting discoveries of the last years
- BLOG – a selection of our blogs on everything concerning orcas
- ENVIRONMENTAL INSPIRATIONS – find out how can you help protect orcas in everyday life
- PICTURE OF THE YEAR – a high quality image suitable for printing (A3)
- PORTRAIT PICTURE – a picture of your adopted orca suitable for small printing (postcard format)
- PICTURE INFORMATION – information sheet on the pictures you received